Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
:BM/RT - Super Mashimaro
Happy start of the week! Click on the badge for more blue monday and ruby tuesday pics!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Home and Garden Composters

Saturday, March 27, 2010
I Love Promo Items
When I contact and make arrangement with the one making the promotional items I was given plenty of design to choose from. I’ve always loved to choose mugs, pens and some pretty gadgets for computer. Just look at these items below and you’ll agree that they’re nice.
PH#206 : Fresh Flowers
Saturday 9: You're My Best Friend
2. Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for? I'm not the kind who hopes to be rich or popular someday, I just want my kids to grow as a good christian, be good in school and finish college.
3. Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food? If yes. what did you do? I'm always ready to help a friend in whatever way I can like giving jobs, advices and sometimes money. Mostly I lend them cash but i don't want to discuss this in public.
4. If they re-instituted the draft (for both genders and your were of age) would you go, or would find some way out of it? I think this is not applicable to me so I'll just let this question pass.
5. Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do. I wish I hadn't let myself stay long in corporate employment. I should have taken some risks few years back but that's well under the bridge now. I'm happy that late though it may seem I took the risk few months ago to leave my permanent job to concentrate on my family and in writing advertisements on my blogs.
6. Tell us about the last time you bragged. I don't brag much but I did as a joke only, it was a family humor brag and the kids love the joke : -)
7. What area are you wisest in? Area of what? Ok I'm wisest in budget cooking :-) but in other areas as well, i always try to be wise on many things like parenting, baking, writing (because it's my job also), being a mommy and wife.......
8. Tell us about something that happened that at the time made you "full of yourself". When my kids excel in class because of their hard labor in studying. There are more things but I can't write it here as it's going to take long :-)
9. Has there ever been a time that you wanted to try something in the bedroom, but were afraid to ask? no. Read more...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Daily Disposable Contact Lens
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday Thunks#2
5. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? I like J and letters with the sounds of J when used like G.
9. It's allergy season - unless you've completely missed all the people walking around with kleenexs stuck to their nose... what are you allergic to? I'm not the type with allergy but I guess too much dust can be so bad on anyone
10. What did you sleep with as a child? pillows and bolsters!
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010
When He Grows Up
Preventing Back Injuries
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Start a Healthy Lifestyle
We should start living a healthy lifestyle to combat sickness better and to prevent us from being so susceptible to air-borne and communicable diseases. For my part I started my daily habit of eating pineapples, apple, citrus, mangoes, papaya and banana. These are the most commonly available in nearby stores and I just got to like them all that missing them in my meal are less satisfying. Read more...
What Caring is All About
Preparing for Little Boy’s Entrance Exams
Monday, March 22, 2010
:BM/RT - Josh and Cus in Costumes

Happy start of the week! Click on the badge for more blue monday and ruby tuesday pics!
Comfortable Outdoor Patio Furniture
It is really important that a house should have patio or terrace because it’s one good place where you can rest from the stress and exhaustion of the day. We grew up having bonding times in our patio playing scrabble, chess and other mind boggling games. It’s our favorite spot during summer because the temperature is cooler on this part of the house. It would have been cozier if we add some more patio furniture like woodard furniture from Outdora. Their line of products for outdoor furniture spells comfort and elegance in the same time. The quality of materials and style of their outdoor furniture will surely give a fresher look on your patio. It will be perfect for inviting your friends for a complete get together minus the expensive costs of meeting on some other places.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Lil Boy's Graduation Practice
The practice was a short one because they didn’t include the 2 songs and award ceremonies. We still didn’t know the awardees until they gave out the programs which you can find the list of all graduates and the honor roll. I was happy to see my little boy’s name again on the list and that completes his consistency since he’s in nursery. He got the second place and I’m glad that his close friend got the first place. Josh always surprise us with his studies that even if he can be so playful and talkative at times he still pass the school with flying colors. Good work ‘lil boy! I know my Mom has a lot to do with his good grades because she devotes her time guiding our ‘lil boy in studying. So I think it’s also Good work GrandMom! Read more...
Elegant Engagement Rings

PH#205 : Three (McDonalds Gift Certificates)
Wilderness Therapy - A Unique Approach

Persuading Other People
You Persuade People Through Emotion
You hate to admit it, but people make decisions with their hearts. Their heads don't play much role in the equation.
So even though you are cool headed, you know you have to be warm hearted in order to convince people you're right.
You craft your words carefully. You speak to inspire, motivate, and stir up emotions.
You know that once someone wants to be on your side, they'll figure out their own reasons for why.
Gears for Your Little One
Saturday 9: Just One Look
3. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why? Sandra Bullock, because it will be an action movie and Sandra is good at it like she did in Speed.
4. Who is your favorite Major League Baseball team? How about your favorite player? I play baseball when I was in college but I don't watch baseball teams now
5. What is your favorite baseball-related movie? Maybe 'A League Of Their Own
6. What is one lesson you have learned in the past year? Believe in yourself and if you have plans in your life pray for it, seek God's help and wait for His time and signs before you finally pursue your plans. If it's for you God will make things in accordance with your life, no ifs no buts only God's perfect will.
7. Tell us about one of your childhood memories. I have plenty of playmates but mostly siblings and cousins who live in the same compound as ours. The memorable ones were those spent in the province when I was 7 and below. I used to climb trees and play in the grassfield. Big bro and I used to ride in each side of the horse sitting on a basket made for us only by Uncle. It was a different childhood from what I experienced here in our place near the metropolis. I prefer the province.
8. How do you handle sticky situations? Do you have a method? If so, what is it? I pray, consult and follow what my mind and heart says
9. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Maybe sometimes but I'm not guilty and I don't care. You can't please every body so I just let them, they will grow old fast than I am hahaha!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Weekend Family Outdoor Experience

Pink Hello Kitty 4 GB USB Drive
Here I've found this pink Hello kitty 4GB USB flash drive which I admittedly like because of its design and capacity. Who wouldn't love this cute pink kitten especially if it's your small storage media for tons of pictures. This one costs US$20.00 from amazon.com
Rigid Work at Home Schedule
New Community Pizza House
Sincere Appreciation Gets Results
Family Fishing Vacation

Thursday, March 18, 2010
:Thursday Challenge - Round 'Alumni Balloon'

Just find this balloon just right for the theme. What makes this balloon special? Because it's our balloon for our High School's 50th Golden Anniversary Alumni Homecoming - for our batch only. The speaker of the jubilee even remarked that our batch were having a birthday party as we're the only table with such nicely colored balloon and cake too! Anyway we feel very young then just like when we're in our high school days and to celebrate our grand get together someone from our group thought it will be nice to have these cute lavender balloons to go with our golden yellow shirts. Nice color combination.
Visit my space shuttle entry here! For more 'round' themed photos click the title badge!
Super-Inclusive Breezes Resorts in the Caribbean
Listen to Your Inner Voice
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Rose Porcelain Teacup from Etsy
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Staying Up Late Again
Monday, March 15, 2010
:Blue Monday - Josh in Motorbike
Happy start of the week! Click on the badge for more blue monday pics!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Saturday 9: Gimme Three Steps
1. Are you the type of person who jumps into new ventures or do you prefer baby steps?
~ I take baby steps most of the times but there are few occasions in my life that I was forced to decide immediately and jumps into new ventures.
2. Who do you feel believes in you the most?
~ Family especially my Mom
3. When was the last time you were on a stage?
~ Last year, during my son's kinder graduation
4. Tell us about the worst boss you ever had.
~ Too confidential to mention name but he has a habit of yelling at anyone when he's pressured, anyway he makes up before going home that's why I never hated him, just accepted his ways and didn't took it as personal.
5. If the NCAA Men’s or Women’s Final Four basketball tournament was played in your hometown arena or within easy driving distance from where you live, would you try to attend one the three games?
~ I will of course I like watching games.
6. Of all the clothes you own, what do you feel most comfortable wearing, and why?
~ My work-at-home clothes, when I resigned and choose to work in my home I bought some clothes that's between indoor clothes and outdoor clothes! Can you imagine? Well just anything cotton be it blouse or shirt. It's comfy for me compared to my office clothes!
7. On what television show—either past or present—would you like to make to make a guest appearance, and what role would you play?
~ I think it's Ally Mc Beal and would also want to play as Ally :-)
8. St. Patrick’s Day is on Wednesday March 17th. Do you celebrate and wear green? Drink Green Beer? Ignore it?
~ We don’t have St. Patrick's Day here so I'll just ignore it
9. If a leprechaun told you that you could have any amount of money from his pot of gold but it had to be a specified amount for a specified item, how much would you ask for and what would it be for?
~ $75,000, I’ll buy lot for the church and a bakeshop franchise (just dreaming of course) :)
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Lessons Learned
We should learn from our past mistakes, gain knowledge on the lessons of life and let God guide you in His helping hands. Try to see His grace and bountiful blessings on us. If you let God be the center of your life you’ll have a life leading to the right way.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Outdoor Grilling Experience
Monday, March 8, 2010
Blue Monday-RT: Vintage Airforce Car
Happy start of the week! Click on the badges for more blue monday and ruby tuesday pics!