Here’s How to Prepare For Your First Baby

Congratulations to you! if you’re reading this post as first time mom; it’s only natural you’d be excited about the little miracle growing inside you. It’s also not out of the place to feel some form of anxiety concerning the baby’s health, this just shows how much love you already have for your baby and what a great mom you will be. You're excited at this point and you can’t wait to see your mini you but 9 months is a lot shorter than you thinks it is because there are a whole lot of activities that needs to happen for your baby to be birthed safely.
These include;
1. Selecting a healthcare provider – This is probably the most important decision you will ever make for your baby. You will want to get information on the Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OBGYN) close to you. It doesn’t really make sense getting one so far away from your community as it could take some time to get to them in the event of an emergency. Feel free to find out if they are board certified, consider how long they have been practicing for and what their thoughts on the different birthing processes are.
2. Getting your baby, a doctor - While you are shopping for an OBGYN, also look out for a pediatrician for your little one; the best time to do this is usually between the 28th and 34th week of your pregnancy. Again, you need to research potential doctors that are also have their practice is the same community where you reside. You really do not want a long commute to the doctor’s office when your baby is running a fever. Find out what they think about immunizations, breastfeeding, the Ferberization method etc.
3. Becoming acquainted with the birthing process – A lot of moms swear by different birthing techniques; for example, while some moms feel more comfortable giving birth in a hospital environment incase either mom or child where to require immediate medical attention, some mothers prefer to have a water birth at home, surrounded by supportive family and friends. Now is the time to join a birthing class, talk to other moms about their experiences and read literature on pregnancy. This way, you will be able to make the best decision for you and your baby.
4. Eating Well – You are now eating for two, this refers more to the quality of the food as opposed to the quantity of the food even though pregnant women tend to put away much more food easily. On the other hand, you should consider what nutrients you are consuming and how much of them you are consuming. Vitamins are great for pregnant women but proteins and calcium are very vital as well. Talk to your doctor about what meal plan you should be on during your pregnancy.
5. Shopping for baby clothes, toys and consumables – While you’re at it this is the time to pick out a crib for your baby. It is important that you get this task out of the ways as soon as you can because with each day the pregnancy progresses, your energy level drops. Also keep in mind that the Consumer Product Safety Commission prohibits “…the manufacture or sale of traditional drop-side rail cribs”.
This list is by no means exhaustive but ensure you talk to a medical personnel before you embark on any major changes to your routine or diet while pregnant.