Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer
Industrial plants and manufacturing firms are known to have large equipment and machineries that sometimes emits pollutants that’s hazardous to environment especially those within the vicinity of the plants. I’ve been hearing over these since I was young and government is taking measure control to have these industries comply with standards and specific requirements to prevent pollution in the environment. Well technology has a lot to contribute to certain issues like these as solutions are progressive not only to communications and other fields but to environmental applications as well.
Compared to regular industrial plants it’s actually the chemical plants that’s to be bothered of because they decomposes hazardous gases at a high temperature and releases them into the atmosphere. This is a threat and hazard to environmental health and human safety that’s why a thermal oxidizer is needed to process air pollution control in chemical plants. They are used to destroy Hazardous Air Pollutants and Volatile Organic Compounds from industrial air streams to prevent their release to atmosphere.
Now with RETOX dual chamber Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, the most accepted air pollution control technologies industries and chemical plants can have one of the most energy efficient solutions to VOC compliance with up to 97% primary heat recovery. They provide solutions for abating solvent fumes, odors and others from variety of industries.
Through Adwest provision of flameless RETOX Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer clients can benefit from its advantages including low pressure drop, flameless natural gas injection which saves 40-60% on fuel against burner operation and 97% heat recovery for ultra low energy usage. Industries can really save a lot on their energy expenses. They also offer 5 year extended proper warranty, 24/7 service support, free lifetime telemetry remote service diagnostics and many other advantages. Visit them to see their headquarters, technical center and see their advantages.