Saturday 9: If I Had a Hammer
1. Are you handy with tools? Yap.. My college course and first job in semi-conductor electronics company made me one.
2. What was the best thing that happened to you this week? First-ever vacation of hubby from work for good. He resigned and will study.
3. What was the worst thing that happened to you this week? I nearly collapsed from over fatigue, I guess I had too many online writing works but I'm happy with my work because it's a blessing from God. I just need to manage my time more so my health won't suffer.
4. Do you think you act your age? More often than not I think :-) sometimes we need to be young at heart to enjoy the sweet simple things of life.
5. Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it? My cardigans/sweater I have since I was single around 14 years ago. It's a gift from a friend and has sentimental value. I don't toss gifts, I keep it forever!
6. What is your favorite summertime beverage? Real fruit shakes especially green mango, melon and banana fruit shakes.
7. Have you ever lied about your age? No. I have no reason to do it. Some other day maybe when I'm too old and shy about it let's say sixty lol! Or maybe not :-)
8. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended? My Mom's birthday party at the resort, not so much activities and no program but all my loved ones were there and we enjoyed it very much's a swimming party celebration. The best for us.
9. What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
Accidents in the mountain highway. We had one when I'm just 9 years old and our bus nearly dropped down the mountain cliff. God has saved us from that accident and it thought me to pray hard for guidance on every travel that I take.