Gadgets or Summer Workshops for School Break
With the onset of too many advanced gadgets and toys it’s still best for kids to spend summer doing things offline. This summer parents enrolled their kids to various fields of interest to while away their kids’ time during school break to lessen their time on gadgets. Some got some art workshops, others got into dancing, drama schooling and sports fest while others like us resort to music studying. Well this time I didn’t enroll them but because they already know the basic they just practice what they learned from school. Anyway my daughter Gen didn’t need to study in formal school to play musical instrument as she can learn by herself and she did it on three different musical instruments of her whim.
She’s now playing with keyboards, guitar and even drums. For a girl she’s a bit awesome and she’s really something as she really learns fast. I just don’t know how she would play with flying v guitar if ever she gets a hands on. Well maybe not for now… for a young lady like her as she’s fine with her good old favorite guitar. Now she’s planning to teach her little brother how to play guitar as Josh just learned the basic of keyboard playing and Gen wanted her brother to play varied instruments.