:TC - Food : Complete Birthday Foods
for fun and learning
"FOOD" (Meals, Restaurants, Eating, Vegetables, Unusual Foods, Cooking, BBQs,...)
"FOOD" (Meals, Restaurants, Eating, Vegetables, Unusual Foods, Cooking, BBQs,...)
This is a quarter-old photo of my husband's birthday food photos which I selected for my entry this week. I choose this shot because it's a complete meal for us , we're a lover of pasta, chicken lollipop, fruit salad and oh so yummy cakes! Well we also have double dutch ice cream but we didn't put that out in case it melts immediately. I don't need to prepare elaborate recipes because my family especially my 3 kids love all these foods above. It's a complete treat for them.
Visit my green spider grass entry here! For more 'food' themed photos click the title badge!