Monday, December 28, 2009

Arrived From the Camp

Just arrived from our camp meeting and though I would want a longer rest I still have to arrange our tons of things from our 4-day stay at the camp. DH went to his work and I'm glad I have my two girls with me to help me with the chores we have to do. We started after lunch because we really have to take it slowly as we're all tired from the travel back to our home. We still have many things to do like buy gifts for all relatives, some small keepsake for our church friends and kids, gifts for the godchildren and grocery items for New Year's Eve. Marketing for the recipe menu, desserts and fruits will have to be scheduled on another day as it will be too much for us.

The kids were all excited telling stories to my Mom and told her they wished it was longer than four days. They really enjoyed their time at the camp and they're asking me now when we'll return there. Told them we'll be there three months from now again and they all shouted with joy. Wonder of kids' enjoyment never cease to amaze me.

Just checked my emails, tasks in due and visited some sites, no time for work I guess! The holiday fever is affecting me so much!


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