Part-Time Job
I’m very busy these days that I haven’t find the time to do my online tasks on normal hours. I’m just taking advantage of midnight hours and early dawn to catch up on my assigned tasks. I’m not a full time work-at-home Mom now as I’ve accepted a part-time office job from a friend who needs some help. I’m helping on the documents, forms and other related works. Anyway I’m just busy but not really tired as I’m used to having two jobs when I started working online few years back when I still have a regular office job.
Besides the kids are on summer vacation now and been doing their share of the house chores. Next month will be their enrolment and I’m glad that I don’t have to get a cash advance online to complete my financial needs as my part-time work income will help somehow to pay for their tuition fees. Anyway most of my clients will pay next month also so that would be enough for my kids’ school fees.