Saturday, February 20, 2010

Small Talk Six - 6 Things You Would Rather Do Yourself..

6 things you would rather do yourself, even if you could pay someone else to do them

  1. Cleaning the bedrooms and arranging our things, I don't want anyone cleaning our bedrooms it's ok on other parts of the house
  2. Cooking for 50 people on our midweek bible study once in every 2 months, I love cooking even if I'm busy
  3. Arranging our garden and tending the plants, My Mom and I do that with pleasure
  4. Managing our family's finances. I don't want anyone taking care of our bills, other payables and expenses
  5. Caring for my children, I've given up hiring helpers 6 years ago and I've resigned from my stable office job to attend to my family's needs especially my own kids
  6. Cooking for my family everyday and on all occasions, even if I had helpers in the past I was the one who cooks breakfast and dinner


Discipline and Healthy Meal Plan to Keep Me Fit

I was feeling a little bit tired from my blogging marathon last night which kept me awake writing post up to wee hours of 4 in the morning. I’m just glad that I don’t feel the usual headache and dizziness we get from overnight work so after resting for about 4 hours I woke up feeling ready for another day’s work. Dear hubby helped me with the clothes and had them spin dried before I wake up; thank God He gave me a helping and understanding partner.

I rushed myself to cook our breakfast and got it ready in about 15 minutes. I’m a fast worker especially on cooking meals for my family and I love doing it. I cooked a very yummy breaded pork chop for hubby’s lunch at work. I had it marinated in soy sauce, calamansi and pepper overnight then I fry it with bread crumbs. Not for me of course as I’m having vegetable for my lunch so I will not gain pounds. I’m having myself disciplined with my food intake so I don’t have to take diet supplements like quick trim for now. I’ll follow my healthy meal plan for several weeks and I’ll get to see if it’s right for me or if the meal plan will keep me fit and trim.


What Comfort Food Are You?

You Are Potato Chips

When you're stressed out, you seek food that is quick and easy.
Life is pretty overwhelming at times, so you prefer comfort food that you can just grab and eat.

You're the type of person who takes on too much, and you don't have a lot of free time.
So even when you have junk food as a meal, you're just thankful that you had any time to eat at all.

This is quite right as I'm a very busy person. I switched to being a Work-at-Home Mom from an office employee but was surprised that I'm busier than when I'm working outside home. It must be something about myself that makes me a workaholic human :-) Anyway I really seek comfort food when I'm stressed but only on few times. I'm a healthy eater and I prefer fruits now than junk food!


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