Saturday, February 20, 2010

Small Talk Six - 6 Things You Would Rather Do Yourself..

6 things you would rather do yourself, even if you could pay someone else to do them

  1. Cleaning the bedrooms and arranging our things, I don't want anyone cleaning our bedrooms it's ok on other parts of the house
  2. Cooking for 50 people on our midweek bible study once in every 2 months, I love cooking even if I'm busy
  3. Arranging our garden and tending the plants, My Mom and I do that with pleasure
  4. Managing our family's finances. I don't want anyone taking care of our bills, other payables and expenses
  5. Caring for my children, I've given up hiring helpers 6 years ago and I've resigned from my stable office job to attend to my family's needs especially my own kids
  6. Cooking for my family everyday and on all occasions, even if I had helpers in the past I was the one who cooks breakfast and dinner


Daenel T. February 20, 2010 at 10:24 PM  

Whoa on #2! You are a brave lady. I love to cook too but that's a lot of people. LOL Loved your list.

Unknown February 21, 2010 at 12:38 AM  

I so understand the gardening thing. My mom would come over and say "You should have put that over there!" and she would pick at my plants. I so wanted to say BACK OFF!

Here is mine:

I am Harriet February 21, 2010 at 12:48 AM  

I'm the same way about my garden. It's a great stress relief.

Night Owl Mama February 21, 2010 at 1:10 PM  

Great list. 50 people WOW that's some cooking

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