Learning the Field of Cable and Broadband Services
DH enjoys his job in the cable company as he learns a lot in all of the company’s products and services. During his last semester in his Electronics Technology course he has worked and served in Telmarc cable as an assistant cable technician for 3 months completing his 400 hours requirements in his On-the-job training subject. As expected he has served diligently even if he’s only a trainee so after graduation he was called to work in their new cable contract in a new town. They have a need for extra manpower so they called on their trainees with good record and asked to work immediately on the project. They only hired them as contractual employees which are just perfect for DH since he enrolled in education degree course this school year.
Well he’s enjoyed his work, learned the skills in cable installation, broadband services, upgrading of systems, pay-per-view and other cable services. He goes along well with other technicians and maximizing his time with the company until he comes back again in schooling this month. He has gone a lot in applying his electronics course and when I ask about certain things about tools, equipment and technology gadgets like HDMI splitter he’s always ready to explain me its uses and specifications. Somehow I think that his associate course in electronics helps a lot in his job and glad that he was able to apply it in working.
Splitters and cable are just two of the things that cable companies deal about in installing cable and broadband in residential and business offices. I recalled that in some cable companies like where we subscribed our cable they don’t allow it and to stop illegal connections they installed digibox instead. This way they’re assured that no splitters will be functional. Some other companies like the one DH is working at, they allow splitters and just collect a small fee for every television attached to it. This will fit our requirements to our satisfaction but for now they don’t have a service available to our town so we’ll just have to wait.