Saturday, June 12, 2010
Stress Tabs
Its chocoholic time again as the kids got their share of their Auntie’s sweets for them. It’s not only the kids but the adults as well. We’re a certified chocoholic family and I just have to limit their intake for the day as they will have problem in their tonsils if I’ll be lax on them.
For me chocolates are great stress tabs and I’ve been using it as such when I was still working in corporate office. You’ll never imagine how much stress, worries and pressures I have in a day being an Admin, HR, Billing and Accounting Officer all in one. I’ve grown used to it and I can handle it well with coffee and chocolates by my side. It’s true friends! I’ve done it many times before. After a stressful meeting with the bosses I just take my bar of choco and I’ll feel better. I think it’s something about the sweets that controls anger and temper. Try it! Still the best remedy is prayers!