Tips for your Heart – Reducing the Risks of Heart Attack
I’ve known some friends who were younger than me and only in their early thirties but already suffered from stress-driven heart problems. I’ve found out from research and observation that often those people who are most prone to heart attack are people who set up artificial deadlines and tough goals for themselves creating too much stress in their lives. I’ve lived some of my younger years at work with tough deadlines and I know how much stress it brings to your whole being.
If you’re one of these people try to limit the artificial stress you create. Ask yourself if these deadlines are necessary, if your goals can’t be relaxed or modified a bit. Make sure that all your goals are attainable because that’s what giving you stress, in coping up with so many expectations. Give yourself a break, a breathing space, relax and enjoy life. Or you could read this simple program to do to lower your risk of heart attack.
1) Don’t smoke and don’t drink
2) Go for a brisk but not stressful walk everyday
3) Eat a healthy-low fat, low-cholesterol diet
4) Maintain a moderate weight, just the right one for your built
5) Practice positive living which includes relaxation, communication and sharing your feelings to reduce stress in your life.
All these easy techniques and program will make you feel better. Feeling better about yourself reduce stress and that will be a factor in reducing the risks of heart attacks. Easy does it? Better than spending some days confined in a hospital when you suffered heart attack. As I believe that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Read more...