Thursday, February 10, 2011

Affordable High Quality Air Purifier

With all the increasing number of respiratory-related and common diseases like cough, colds and some allergies caused by dirty air we should be thinking if the air we’re breathing is clean or not. Pollution is rampant on some places but sometimes we’re more prone to the air we’re having at home. Although we don’t see the microbes and bacteria lingering on your place they can cause hazard in our health thus total protection must be at hand to prevent further diseases.

Choosing the best purifier is not that hard at all. We should be looking not just price but performance quality as well. When you choose Rabbit Air  you can have both because they offer the most effective and high quality air purifier at affordable prices. Plus they’re stylish enough to function as nice addition to your house. Be assured of their 90-day money back guarantee, free ground shipping and 24/7 technical support to answer all inquiries.


QR Bar Codes for Social Marketing

Technology has advanced a lot in terms of communications, gadgets, equipment and in many other fields. If you have noticed there are only span of months and you’ll see new discoveries and innovations on current high tech gadgets. Companies who developed these are making sure that they’re on the top list of the latest products. Just recently I saw news about these new innovations and they focused on the thin tablets that people are going crazy about. Gadgets are being developed to function for many uses and purposes. They’re always inventing products and ways that can cope with busy lifestyle and high demands for innovative products. 
I heard about qr barcodes and learned that this matrix barcode consists of black modules in a square pattern on white background. It’s readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera phones. The information encoded can be URL, a text or other data. This Quick Response barcode is primarily created for fast decoding of encoded contents. These codes can be used in many fields of business and industries like marketing, travel, CRM applications and for blogging also where codes can be directly embedded in the posts for streamlining mobile app downloads.

SPARQCode, a mobile sales lead generation company developed the best tools and services to make an easier mobile engagement. Through them with the help of  qr generator users can scan the codes and use them for social sharing sites such as tweeting products, liking Facebook pages and in posting them to blog sites. I’ve used some of these codes on my sites also and I can say it’s a lot of help to me. 

Small businesses can benefit from quick response code usage because it will help them manage their social media path meaning better ways on linking up your business to social network and sites. It means more coverage and exposure for your products and services. It’s not only limited to Facebook and Twitter but can be useful to Google Maps, You Tube, emails, URLs and even phone numbers. Marketing your company’s products and services will never be a problem anymore with the use of these QR codes.


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