Saturday, November 5, 2011

God’s Provided Place

We’re having a great time this weekend as it’s also the start of the kids’ semestral break and a long holiday weekend. DH was telling me that we should schedule a vacation in Baguio as when he went there last Monday he really had a relaxing stay and enjoyed the tour using olympus cameras. They went there at the start of this week to finalize our reservation for our December camp meeting fellowship in one of the venue that caters to groups. 

A friend of my Mom offered her house and when DH and our Pastor went there together with 2 others they liked the place and changed our venue plans. It’s a God-intended venue for us as we’ll be saving huge amount because my Mom’s friend didn’t want to charge anything. Now the budget for the venue will be used for our food consumption for four days. Isn’t it just perfect? God has given us blessing in His own provided way through our people that we come to meet in our everyday living.


Crestor’s Side Effects

With the onset of high technology gadgets came also the realization that this generation has the most modern innovations but the highest occurrence of dreadful diseases. Everything is modern from food, fashion, equipment, cars and even medicines. I still have to learn more but from what I know now I can say that today’s medicines are invented and manufactured to cure sickness faster than the past generation. There are vaccines that include 3-in-1 solutions or packaged to solve related disease and there are others that prevent the patient from getting sick. Imagine getting a flu vaccine that will immune you from getting flu for a certain period of time.

Of course all of these are due to modern medicine which helps provide modern and apt treatment to people. But sometimes people can be wrong just like the manufacturers of Crestor which was intended to cure high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases but found out to be the cause of heart attacks and heart failure to users. If you’re one of the victims of this medicine or you’re a relative you can file a Crestor lawsuit to be able to get justice and compensation for injuries done. You can also get a free heart attack and failure case reviews from nationwide attorneys.


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