Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Jewels' Nutrition Day

I’m so tired that I wasn’t able to do any work online today. I attended my little boy’s nutrition day program. He’s one of the boys in Filipino costumes in white camisa tsino and red pants with the letter of N in NUTRISYON (nutrition) saying what the letter stands for. There are many presentations and I can say they’re all in good concept. All PTA officers prepared foods for all students representing each grade level with one healthy recipe food. We presented soup, pancakes, ice cream, menudo, pasta and chicken. All booths were decorated with nutritious fruits and some even put balloons. It was very festive and at the end of it we parents and teachers ate what’s left and had our group picture taking. 

To see the yummy foods we had on that day visit my post at Feel at Home.


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