Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Preparing for Little Boy’s Entrance Exams

I did some inventory and cleaning up on my hard copy files including important documents. I have accumulated files since I left my work and I’ve added some pretty nice books. I’m reading again now and I’m so glad I had a chance again. Most of my books are inspirational and those leaning to work attitude but I also started up reading about health. I’m opening up a health blog next month and hopefully writes about tips, healthy recipes, some common diseases and solutions like acne remedies, healing wonder of herbs and many things. I’d like my blog to be of help to many who are seeking some health tips and natural cure on some ailments.

Now back to my files, I was happy to find one of my little boy’s requirements in taking up entrance examination in Little Jewels. The school I want for Josh primary schooling requires the student to submit NSO certified birth certificate, Report Card (not necessarily up to fourth grading period) and Health card or baby’s vaccination report. I found the latter this morning and called the administrative officer of the school to request schedule for Josh. He would be scheduled on Thursday afternoon for written exams and one more day for reading and interview. Hope everything will be fine for his start of formal schooling.


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