Fledging Blogger's 100th Post Special
A friend I met through Entrecard has reached his 100th Post and he's making it a special one by celebrating it through a simple contest. Well I'm not really for the prizes as I just want to shout about this contest for my friend June Zach, win or not :-) just my way of thanking him for the special links and mention he has giving me in his blog. Visit his site 'Fledging Blogger' and join the fun!
Here's the mechanics:
Contest Number 1: Give your reason what makes the number 100 significant.
1) Your answer must be original (not copied from other source or reference).
2) Post your entry in the comments section.
The person who could give the best explanation and illustration shall win.
Prize: A blog review at the Fledgling Blogger.
Contest Number 2: Comment and Love Link Challenge
1) Simply make a real comment on this post and create a link back to it on your blog (does not require a separate blog post). You can insert the link anywhere on your latest posts. You can also shout about it.
2) Notify him once the link has been created.
Prize: Free advertisement from April 15-30, 2010 in my 125 X 125 ad space on the right side above the fold. The winner on this contest will be drawn by raffle.
Winners will be announced prior to April 15, 2010.
Wow! I do not know what to say. Thanks a lot for this Race. I highly appreciate it. You are now qualified for the two contests. I'll keep you posted.
Cheers to our blogging friendship! ^_^
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