Reliable Data Storage Solutions
With the modern innovations in data storage solutions people learned to store their precious data in external hard drive, flash drives, memory card, cloud storage and other storage drives. Well it seems such a good backup idea but not all of the storage devices we have can withstand wear and tear as through frequent usage they developed scratches or sometimes they developed viruses. I’ve experienced having my camera’s memory card reformatted twice due to file corruption and if I had not stored it in my computer all my pictures in the card will be lost.
Because of that incident I learned the value of backing up data and images not just in one storage device but on other device as well. Not everyone can do it as it entails buying expensive external hard drive, flash drives or lots of blank DVDs to be able to store their backup files. Still there’s no assurance that your data is safe except the cloud storage which is very popular today and promising because it ensures file safety.
Now when the data is on the large scale cloud archiving is not possible and this brought me to remember what we used to do with file storage in the late 80’s when we store all data in magnetic tape. I was on my on-the-job computer training in one of the biggest government finance company where I was assigned in EDP department. My responsibilities include data tape backup of all information of all members in the whole country and I learned that magnetic tape can handle voluminous amount of data which is why it’s used for large scale data storage.
With the release of so many modern storage devices for cameras, computers, phones and other gadgets we still have to think otherwise when it comes to important documents in large volume as now the latest LTO Tape can also handle as much data as other large volume storage device could. In fact some of the big technology companies like Seagate, IBM and HP use it for their bulk storage of data.
Since it’s cheap and reliable it’s an ideal and safe storage that will ensure security of your data. The latest capacity released last June is up to 2.5TB already so expect a sure and safe way of securing your precious data, pictures, audios and videos. The company that handles this offers tape drive rental services, tape drive repair services and sales.
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