Happy Wedding
When my family attended the wedding of my cousin’s son last Saturday we were all busy meeting our relatives especially my Mom who is the native of our hometown. She was greeted by all her former students who were there to witness the wedding ceremony and share the moments of the newlywed couple all throughout the reception. The couple was so busy entertaining guests that we bonded with them after the guests had left the place. We had our own picture taking outside the shots of their official photographer and we arranged the shots.
When it’s time to open the first set of gifts they were happy to see some unique keepsake gifts from close friends who knew them since school days and thought of surprising them with unique presents on their wedding. It’s always memorable and thoughtful to give a keepsake gifts especially if it’s personalized or customized for the recipient. Anyway they didn’t finish opening all of the gifts and they will open the rest on the bride’s home. Well both the groom and bride seemed so happy that day and I’m glad for them too. I felt that the groom’s Mom who is my cousin is very thankful that the wedding turned out to be so merry and guests were satisfied.
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