Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Would-Be Career

We all have our own liking for recreation and hobbies. My hobby is cooking, reading and photography and you can see them through my multiple accounts of experimenting ordinary dishes I serve for my family. I’m not the one who will be satisfied with the old regular way of cooking dishes because I want my dishes to be unique in some way. It gives me a feeling of being a chemist in some way. If you’ve been close to me you’ll probably know that my first would-be careers are that of being a chemist or a journalist but I took up Computer Engineering to be competitive and to secure a good paying job.

Well you can’t turn your back on your first love so I diverted it into cooking, the chemicals that I want to combine turned out food to mix and cook. Nice resemblance don’t you think so? Well now I’m into writing and some amateur photography so I feel like my dreams somehow came true. God has a way of giving you things in His own magical ways.


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