Having your own site takes up your time, money and some effort to keep and maintain to a good readable and well-visited site. I started having my site on a free-hosted blog three years ago with a desire in my heart to share inspirational thoughts, life experiences and my journey in life. I enjoyed every minute of having my blog and it somehow released my innermost thoughts and feelings that I haven’t imagined I have. Writing has always been my hobby and having a blog creates a place for me to put down all of my thoughts. It also served as my relaxation from my demanding multi-tasking job in corporate office. I was very thankful for my friend and mentor who introduced me to blogging world.
After just being in the blogosphere for about six months I heard about domain name and web hosting services. When I found that I could be more flexible if I have my own domain I immediately applied for my first name as my very first domain. I was very excited then but before choosing my web host I read many reviews about
web hosting companies so I’ll have enough ideas and knowledge. I was also advised by my friend and mentor in blogging to choose my web host with enough capabilities to host my blog. They should be able to have a good reliability/uptime, necessary features, technical support, good customer service and must be user-friendly.
With the help of review sites like WebhostingFan blog owners can have the latest trends in web development, web hosting news,
web hosting reviews of the top ten web hosting providers, domain names and more about web security, SEO and softwares on blogging. It’s their purpose for the customers to check the site and web hosting company before signing up and getting the services of the company. It’s best to read reviews and feedback from users because you’ll have firsthand information about the web host. For those who want to have their own site visit webhostingfan.com and decide whom do you want to host for you.
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