Saturday, June 23, 2012

Getting Good Results on Losing Weight

Losing weight needs a lot of discipline and patience. I’ve made such an effort for the past few months and it gave me good results but I must admit I was not able to keep it for two months and the pounds that I lost is getting back to me now. I’ve been busy these days which hindered me to stay to my routine of shedding excess pounds. I still eat balanced meals at lunch but at dinner time I returned to eating heavy meals. It really is difficult to stay to your weight loss routine if you don’t focus on it. My friend told me about visiting which would help me to see other ways on how I can lose some pounds again. I know that I need to increase my metabolism but I just can’t figure out how because I’m very busy at work and can’t follow routine schedules. Anyway the suggestion is good but I think I’ll just go back to my diet meals and workout which gave me good results last time I did it. Wish I can start again on it.


Tammy June 25, 2012 at 10:18 PM  

I've been doing so many food reviews lately, I feel like I have put on several pounds. I've worked so hard to take weight off, and need to be careful. I'm going to start keeping a calendar for the day, and schedule exercise in on it. Hopefully, that will help. Good luck, and don't be discouraged.

Catch My Words June 26, 2012 at 6:31 AM  

Google Dr. Oz. He has great ideas for increasing metabolism such as drinking ice water three times a day, taking zinc, cutting your regular eating by only 100 calories, etc. I count carbs, eat plenty, and have lost 24 pounds.

Tina June 28, 2012 at 12:57 AM  

I've been working on this myself. Check out my blog. My recent posts are about my experience. I share some resources there that may interest you. Best of luck! I know how challenging it is.

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