Monday, August 16, 2010

Manic Monday #218

What are 5 things you want to do in your life?

1. Be able to have the time to enroll in a baking class
2. Want to study short course on journalism
3. Travel beautiful places here and abroad
4. Assist hubby in bringing up our kids in the right upbringing with the help of God
5. Have financial capabilities to help our church

What are you saying goodbye to?
I'm saying goodbye to my temper, bad moods and to all my previous work's upsets.  I want to remember all the happy and nice things and leave the bad things behind. God will take care of all that and help me change for the better. 

What are you currently fascinated with?
I was fascinated previously with laptops and notebooks, now I had my 2-month old laptop.  Second fascination is Iphone but because I couldn't afford it I'll have to settle for a new Wifi Cellular Phone because I want to be updated always with my incoming messages even if I'm offline.  It's part of my work and it would be nice to check it anywhere I am.


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