Saturday 9: Hey Jealousy

2. At what point do you finally decide it's time to move forward with your life (like, major changes)? How do you know? What do you do? It's way back May 2008 when I decided to leave my 15-year old regular job to concentrate on my family and embrace the world of work-at-home Moms. I've been earning enough from online works for two years then so I'm confident enough to assume that I can earn more than staying in my office job. My boss didn't want me to leave but after more than one year he succumbed and gave me separation pay.
3. When is it time to just let it ('it' can be whatever you choose) go? How do you know? What do you do? When things aren't going your way and seems like things are falling apart to pieces then it's time to let go. When it comes to job- when I'm not happy and contented anymore and when you're not growing intellectually it's time to let go. It's time to find some other job that will make you feel important and needed.
4. How many times must someone push your buttons before you've just had enough? Why? I think I have enough patience to last me a couple times before I've just had enough. I've worked as a Human Resource and Administrative officer and you need a lot of patience and understanding when you handle that kind of jobs.
5. If I S/O were to cheat on you, could you ever see yourself giving them a second chance? Or a third? Maybe but I'll cross the bridge when I get there lol!
6. What was the last thing that someone did that you were very grateful for? I'm always grateful for even the smallest things done for me, well the last thing so far was when hubby did some marketing for me yesterday. So sweet of him.
7. How much time do you spend online in a given weekday? What about the weekends? My work is online so I think I'm online around 14 hours a day when I don't have errands to do. Wednesday and Sunday were exemptions. I'm offline during Wednesday late afternoon onwards and Sunday whole day and night because I devote those times and days to our midweek bible study and Sunday worship.
8. How many online journals/blogs do you read regularly? What are some of your favorites and why? I read around 10-20 blogs everyday but I visit more than 200 sites everyday. My favorites are my friends' blog because I want to be updated with what's happening to them. Some other favorites are inspirational, photography and Moms' blogs.
9. What was the last major purchase that you made? I'm not an impulse shopper and I don't buy expensive items, my last major purchase was cabinets and gadgets.
Good for you leaving your job. That was probably a tough decision to make.
Have a great weekend!
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