Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tips on Making Your Own Laundry Soap

Just like to share some of my reads these past few weeks, I have 3 books that I'm currently reading which covers many things from self-improvement, some secrets and tips and handling your life and job. I'm hooked to these books when I'm offline and it gives me some inspirations also.

This time I'm sharing some tips and ways on how to make your own laundry soap.

This formula uses lye. Always handle with care. For any lye mixture use enamel, porcelain or glass containers. Ingredients include the following:

5 pounds of fat,
1 can of lye,
6 quarts soft water
1/2 cup borax

1/2 cup ammonia

Procedure: Mix in large suitable enamel ware kettle. Let stand for 5 days, stirring several times a day. (After the fourth day, it will be quite thick) On the sixth day, place on stove and heat slowly, stirring wel several times until it becomes the consistency of honey. Let cool before pouring into mould.

For a mould, you will need a box about 1 1/2 inches deep lined first with aluminum foil and then with a towel wrung out in cold water. As soon as it is firm enough, cut into bars. Then let it stand until cold. To use, cut into small pieces and add to washer in place of powdered detergent.

Now you have your own laundry soap, easy but it does take longer than I expected it to be huh! Well some things can't be achieved so quickly, sometimes we need patience right? Hope this tips and easy seminar about making laundry soap will help those who want to do something in their free time. I'm going to do it also! Well if I have free time of course!

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